The ETI 2.0 Consortium is composed of twelve universities and twelve national laboratories. All participating members have stellar research and education records and represent a diverse group of faculty members to carry out the proposed activities.
Consortium Director
Anna Erickson
Woodruff Professor, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Erickson has been the Director of the ETI Consortium (2019-2024) and has been involved in a broad range of research for nuclear nonproliferation, ranging from nonproliferation-by-design for advanced nuclear reactors to active interrogation methods in homeland security. She has been working closely with multiple national laboratories, including subcontracts from LLNL on NNSA-funded projects. Prior to ETI, she has been leading a multi-university collaboration in multimodal imaging for nuclear security funded by DHS DNDO. Her expertise in nuclear nonproliferation is highlighted in various journal publications and a recently published book entitled Active Interrogation in Nuclear Security (Nature Springer 2018).
Thrust Area Leads
Pavel Tsvetkov
Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering
Texas A&M University
Pavel Tsvetkov is a Professor and Faculty Graduate Adviser within the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M University. His research specializes in system analysis and optimization methods with applications towards complex engineered systems.
Raymond Cao
Professor and Chair of Nuclear Engineering Program, Director of OSU Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
The Ohio State University
Raymond Cao conducts research at the intersection of nuclear, materials, and physics. His primary focuses are on novel sensors for radiation detection, nuclear and in-pile instrumentation, and the use of neutrons to probe nuclear and non-nuclear materials.
Paul Wilson
Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Department of Engineering Physics
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Paul Wilson’s research interests focus on developing improved tools for computational modeling of complex nuclear energy systems, with applications in radiation shielding, nuclear waste management, nuclear non-proliferation and energy policy.
Cross Cutting Area Leads
Steven Biegalski
Chair, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Steven Biegalski’s research focuses on nuclear analytical methods, nuclear instrumentation, and nuclear forensics. Previously, he was the Director of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (NETL) and a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at The UT Austin.
Derek Haas
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Derek Hass is an Associate Professor working on radiation detection for nonproliferation. He is one of five surrogate inspectors from the US for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and is a technical advisor for US nuclear arms control and nonproliferation policy development. He joined the UTA after eight years at PNNL.
Director for Strategic Activities
Dan Thoma
Professor, Materials Science Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dan Thoma is the Harvey D. Spangler Professor of Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. His research focuses on metal additive manufacturing, processing, digital manufacturing, alloy design, phase transformations, and advanced materials.
Faculty co-PIs
Alan Sellinger
Department of Chemistry
Colorado School of Mines
Sellinger’s research focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of organic, polymeric, and hybrid based materials for application in solar cells, thin film transistors, scintillation, metal/covalent organic frameworks and surface chemistry. He holds a joint appointment with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
Andreas Velten
Associate Professor,
Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Velten’s research focuses on developing new computational optics and imaging methods, including ultrafast cameras capturing videos of light propagation and Non-Line-of-Sight imaging by computational analysis of diffuse reflections.
Anne Co
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Ohio State University
Co’s research interest focuses on nuclear analytical methods for electrodepositing and detecting radioisotopes and neutron depth profiling.
Benjamin Lindley
Assistant Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lindley’s research
interests include reactor physics, energy systems, reactor design, nuclear fuel cycle and energy policy.
Braden Goddard
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
Goddard’s research interests are non-proliferation, nuclear security, and radiation measurements.
David Fee
Research Professor and the Director of the Wilson Alaska Technical Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fee also serves as a critical part of the Geophysical Detection of Nuclear Proliferation University Affiliated Research
Center. His research focuses on infrasound and seismology to study natural and anthropogenic explosions.
Deanne Rogers
Associate Professor, Geosciences
Stony Brook University
Rogers’s research interests focus on planetary surface processes, infrared spectroscopy, remote detection using machine learning and field spectroscopy.
Fan Zhang
Assistant Professor, Nuclear & Radiological Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Zhang’s research integrates
nuclear engineering, machine learning, and emerging technologies in nuclear cybersecurity and operations.
Jennifer Choy
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Choy’s research is on quantum magnetometry and gravimetry using neutral atoms and photonics for atomic instrumentation.
Jonathon Rogers
Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Roger’s focus is on UAV design, flight dynamics and controls, autonomy algorithms, and novel air vehicle concepts.
Katherine Davis
Associate Professor, Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University
Davis’s expertise is in simulations of cyber-physical power system critical infrastructure.
Lin Shao
Robert Cochran University Professor, Dep. of Nuclear Engineering
Texas A&M University
Shao’s main research interests are in developing ion beam techniques for materials testing and characterization.
Michael Short
Associate Professor
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Short develops new ways to sense the effects of radiation on objects via their material properties, including whether they have been irradiated at all. In this consortium, his group will focus on detecting tiny amounts of radiation damage, particularly in additively manufactured components, which could be used to manufacture or store special nuclear materials.
Michael West
Research Professor, Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
West also serves as Director and State Seismologist at the Alaska Earthquake Center. His research interests center on seismic networking, real-time
monitoring, geophysical detection and analysis algorithms.
Milos Manic
Professor, Computer Science
Virginia Commonwealth University
Manic also serves as Director of VCU Cybersecurity Center, and Director of Commonwealth Center for Advanced Computing. His research focus is on Cybersecurity, Deep Learning,
Trustworthy AI/XAI, Network security and infrastructure protection .
Moussa N’Gom
Associate Professor, Dep. of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
N’Gom’s research in wavefront shaping explores novel ways to manipulate light-matter interactions to address light propagation in dynamic media and quantum sensing and computing.
Philip Townsend
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology,
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Townsend uses visible-to-shortwave infrared imaging spectroscopy to measure chemical functional traits and physiological status of plants and develops remote techniques to detect variations isotopic concentrations in foliage.
Praneeth Kandlakunta
Research Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering
The Ohio State University
Kandlakunta’s research primarily focuses on applications of nuclear science and technology and radiation physics.
Roxanne Moore
Principal Research Engineer, Center for Education Integrating Science,
Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Moore’s research is in the design, AI, and engineering education.
Rusty Towell
Professor, Dep. of Engineering and Physics, and Director of the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing (NEXT) Lab
Abilene Christian University
Towell is overseeing the effort to design, license, build, and operate the Molten Salt Research Reactor. His research is on molten salt reactors and detector development.
Timothy Glotch
Professor, Geosciences
Stony Brook University
Glotch’s research interests
focus on the use of laboratory infrared spectroscopy, light scattering models, and machine learning.
Zeyun Wu
Associate Professor, Dep. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University
Wu’s research interests are inverse problems, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, and machine learning and data analytics.